About Us
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The mission of Truth Tabernacle is to reach every race, nationality, color, and social/economic background with the truth of God’s Word. We desire to be a congregation loyal to the Doctrine, dedicated to reaching our world, and a safe place for the whole family.

It Started in 1945...
1957: A New Location
In 1957, from the original location at the corner of Ninth and Lowe the church moved to the corner of Harvey and Thesta, at which time the church also changed its name to Truth Tabernacle. In 1966, construction of a new freeway forced the congregation to move again, and three acres were purchased at the corner of First and Holland. The church quickly expanded, adding a new educational unit in 1967 and a new sanctuary in 1971 that seated approximately 350.
1979: A Bigger Sanctuary
In 1979 construction was completed on the current sanctuary, which seats approximately 1,000. A multi-purpose building was added in 1985. There was a vision for a school where children could experience apostolic worship and Bible-based teaching combined with a solid education, and Truth Tabernacle Christian School was opened in 1980. TTCS has enrollment for grades K-12 and employs a full-time staff.
1980s: Branchworks
By the end of the 1980s the congregation had filled the sanctuary to near capacity and it was obvious that a larger facility was needed. However, attempts to buy property and relocate didn’t unfold. Instead, God opened opportunities for Truth Tabernacle to buy smaller churches around the Fresno/Clovis metro area and operate them as branch works. From the first branch church at Fresno and Belmont, which opened in 1987, Truth Tabernacle has grown to include six branch churches in such diverse Fresno neighborhoods as the Westside, Highway City, Pinedale and Clovis. Each branch work is a full-fledged church with its own congregation, pastor and bus routes. Additionally, branching out in this way has allowed Truth Tabernacle to more effectively reach the diverse ethnic and cultural groups that live in our city, with two of our branch works conducting services in Spanish, one branch work being predominately African American, and another branch work reaching out to the Southeast Asian community.
Truth Tabernacle is known for its strong Sunday School outreach ministry. From its beginning in the 1960s with one bus route, Truth Tabernacle’s Bus Ministry has grown to include seventeen buses and ten vans that pick up children and adults to attend our Sunday School. Truth Tabernacle is an active and busy church. Our vision of evangelism and growth continues, and the church is vibrant and excited about what God has in store for the future as He continues to use us to reach the Fresno/Clovis metropolitan area.